SCIP Projects
Josie co-founded SCIP (Sussex Illustrators and Printmakers) a registered charity who aim to break down the barriers which prevent people from accessing the arts. They design and deliver creative events and workshops for the whole community with a focus on children, young people and their families. Josie designs all the SCIP project branding often using her illustrations, here is a taste of some of the projects she has worked on.
The Beacon Show - a mile long outdoor arts trail exhibition celebrating the coastline. Josie designed a brand look using continuous line drawings and graphic shape. Beacon 2 sports on the beach.
Beacon 9 theme 'leisure at the beach'.
Lantern Parade workshop illustration
Seaford Museum workshop marketing
Inspired by figures at Seaford Museum
Charity Literature
SCIP's first exhibition
Lock down work with local artists to create a painted star trail displayed in shops. This helped get the community back in to town and support local business during an otherwise tricky time.